Visitor FAQ
Thinking about visiting us and want to be prepared for what to expect? Perhaps you've already visited and want to know more. Let's see if we can answer some questions for you!
What is your Mission Statement?
The mission of this Church is to know, love and serve God who is revealed to us in the incarnation of Jesus the Christ, and to do all within our power to be God's Kingdom in this place. God is a vital, comforting and energizing presence in our lives. Through worship, music, study, and scriptures we are empowered to witness to our faith beyond the doors of this Church and into our world. We are individuals brought together as a family with a common purpose: we will love, support and encourage one another as we seek justice and peace for all peoples, and strive for the respect and dignity of all God's creation which we believe is precious and good. We cannot do this alone, but rely on God's grace to help us and lead us in our endeavors.
Where do I go?
Our church is located at 55 Rhoades Ave. East Walpole, MA. Parking is available in the lot next to the church. Please feel free to come through our front doors to enter the sanctuary. We have an exterior elevator that makes the sanctuary accessible to individuals in wheelchairs or with other mobility limitations.
During the summer, we worship outdoors in Bird Park, under the shade of the trees adjacent to our church parking lot. Please bring your own folding chair; we also keep some on hand in case you forget!
What is service like?
Our service includes a mix of traditional and contemporary elements, from an organ anthem and acolyte candle-lighting (except during the summer) to a gregarious passing of the peace, to sharing joys and concerns aloud during prayer time. In all, a service typically lasts 50-60 minutes.
Do you offer childcare or Sunday School?
Yes! Children are a cherished part of our community, and we welcome the babbles and giggles of little voices. A "Children's Message" takes place about 15 minutes into the service, after which children from Pre-K through 8th grade are invited to attend Sunday School. Nursery care is available for younger children throughout the entire worship service, or you are welcome to keep them with you. There are rocking chairs available just outside the sanctuary should you like to use them.
What should I wear?
Please wear what makes you comfortable! You'll find a mix of attire - anything from jeans and a t-shirt to a coat and tie.
How do I become a member of Union Congregational Church?
New Member classes offer the opportunity to meet with our pastor and some of the deacons to learn about church membership. These classes are held several times a year. Please feel free to contact the church office to inquire about our next class.
When do you celebrate Communion?
The Sacrament of Holy Communion is celebrated in worship on the first Sunday of each month.
What programs are available for Youth?
We have Sunday School classes for both Pre-K/Elementary and Middle School students, which starts about 15 minutes into the service. High School students stay in worship for the whole service, and may attend Confirmation Class to be confirmed. Youth from our church participate in the Walpole Multi-Church Youth Group, which is organized by the 4 Mainline Protestant Churches in Walpole. More information is available here.
What if I still have questions?
Have a chat with our minister with any and all questions! Feel free to call the church office or email to be in touch. Visit our contact page for all the info!